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Cornwall Morganeering Copyright


The Lake District

4 hours 40 minutes


The original plan was to do Bow Fell and Crinkle Crags from the Old Dungeon Ghyll in Langdale. We set off from Ambleside at 8-30 a.m. but it was a very misty day, and there was no sign of it clearing as we reached Great Langdale. We set off up Oxendale and climbed up to Red Tarn, but we could hardly see the tarn itself due to the mist. There was little point continuing to climb to Bow Fell and Crinkle Crags, so we changed our plan and headed up Pike of Blisco. After summiting at 702 meters we had great difficulty finding a path down on the east side through the mist; we headed down on a compass bearing and eventually came to the faintest of tracks which took us down to the Wrynose Pass road. After a short walk down the road we headed across to Blea Tarn, where we had lunch. From here it was a fairly short walk back to the Old Dundgeon Ghyll.



National Trust Car Park at Old Dundeon Ghyll

Off up Oxendale


Looking a bit misty

Jim, Jim, Tony and Lesley

Jim, Lesley and Tony - Pike of Blisco

Mick, Jim, Lesley and Tony

Blea Tarn



Blea Tarn